Editing Services
Are you working on a project or story? Do you need a second set of eyes to make sure that it's the best it can possibly be?
Rebekah would love to be part of your writing journey. She offers both light proofreading (checking for spelling, grammar and mechanical errors), as well as moderate copy editing (going beyond proofreading to make sure your voice, content and sources are all in order, as well as giving detailed comments regarding layout and the reader's experience).
The types of projects she enjoys teaming up with are:
Books and Ebooks
Children's Picture Books
Short Stories
Novels for Children
Middle Grade Fiction
Fantasy and Literary Novels
Personal Essays and Blogs
Biographies and Memoirs
Quotes are based off the word count of your project, timeline for completion, and depth of editing required.
To receive a quote for your project, please submit the following contact form. You will have a response within 24 hours.